

This site "Yokohama kansyuku" is located in Yokohama Kotobuki-cho, is a cooperative of accommodation that offers the lowest price of cheap. Please Yokohama sightseeing tour, in your work, please use.
  1. 当サイトに登録された簡易宿泊所型のお宿は、宿泊機能に特化しております。
    Oyado simple accommodation types that are registered in this site, we have specialized in the room function. The standard size of the room between the Triassic, basically Room 1 people have become to capacity. (There is also inn that can be used in two or more names Room in part.)
  2. お部屋の設備は、無料テレビとエアコンの設備などがある簡素な宿泊特化型の宿泊システムとなっています。 多くの宿には無線LAN(インターネット環境)も整っています。
    Room facilities, has become a free TV and simple accommodation specialized accommodation system of that there is such as air conditioning equipment. Many of the inn wireless LAN (Internet environment) is also well-equipped.
  3. 宿には門限がある施設も多く、事前に確かめてからご利用ください。
    Facility where there is a curfew also many to inn, please use it from sure in advance.
  4. また男性専用で女性の宿泊ができない施設、外国人のご利用を遠慮いただくところもあるのでご注意ください。
    Please note also facilities that can not be accommodation of women in the male-only, also because there is where you get refrain from the use of foreigners.
  5. 受付時間(チェックイン)や問合せ時間が、夕方4時頃から午後11時頃までの施設が多いのでご注意願います。 まずは宿泊する宿にお問い合わせをお願いします。その際は、予約やお問合せに、すぐに対応できない施設もあるようなので、余裕を持って行なってください。
    Reception time (check-in) and query time is, I please note that facilities often from o'clock evening 4 until around 23:00. First of all thank you to contact the inn they will be staying. In that case, the reservation and inquiries, so there is also immediately can not cope facility, please be performed with a margin.
  6. お支払いは、現金(日本円)で前払いが基本となります。
    Payment, prepayment in cash (Japanese Yen) is the basic.
  7. 宿泊の料金をはじめ、当組合加盟の各施設によって異なるので、ご利用料金やご利用期間、サービス内容などは各事業所に直接お尋ねください。
    Including the price of accommodation, so different by each facility of the union membership, available rates and available period, such as services, please ask directly to each office.

参考リンク Reference link

交通機関のご案内 Guidance of transportation
It is the Transportation from the station around Kotobuki-cho. Use the JR · Keihin Electric Express Railway, subway We introduce the usual route of up to Yokohama Station, the main train station. Also we are pleased to introduce the time required for each direction with a focus on Yokohama.
近隣の医療機関 Nearby medical institution
Kotobuki-cho is the introduction of medical facilities with a focus on. If you click the number on the map you can see the details. The use of smart phones it is possible to apply directly phone.
広域横浜マップ Wide area Yokohama map
Please refer to the map overlooking the each region of Yokohama around the Kotobuki-cho. Also we have posted a link to each railway company's website.
寿町勤労者福祉協会 Kotobuki-cho Workers Welfare Association
Kotobuki-cho performs the management and operation of a comprehensive labor welfare hall to promote the welfare of workers, is the introduction of the Foundation that aims to contribute to the uplifting of the morale of the workers.
寿町フリーコンサート Kotobuki-cho free concert
Japan is a music event that has been held since 1979 to put in Kotobuki-cho, it is one of the three major Yoseba. This event, is operated as one event of Kotobuki-cho, summer festival.